Monday, September 19, 2005

My Krew is dismantling

So sad. So sad. No time left to even fedex them some supplies.

Buddybuddybuddybuddybuddy is still there, mail overflowing, but my four man team is OUT!

I called this morning on my way to work, driving in comfort (I should have been biking or bussing, but oh well), drinking my Starbucks, and I got ahold of Brian (I swear--you must have ten phones), and he told me that:

-they were in the parking lot because of a(nother) electrical fire
-his car would not start and they were boiling
-Rick was super pissed because he was supposed to be on a conference call and had stalked off to his own car
-Bridger was still fresh and lovely.

Dreamweaver is leaving two days early so he can rest up for his big job interview with Lynn Swann for Governor (and as Dreamweaver says, to be the first african american president of the united states). If he doesn't get the job, I will be (a) shocked, and (b) I will eat an entire bag of gummi bears in his honor. Good luck, Dreamweaver--you are a shoe in. We'll talk about that whole republican thing, later.

Dudes, I miss you!


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