Tuesday, September 13, 2005

A moral dilemma I don't have

(By the way, I just won $5 from the guy in Research, who was trying to tell me that "dillema" was spelled "dilemna." I said, "Not in Oregon it's not." And we bet $5 and, obviously I won.) But I digress. This was not my moral dilemma.

As I was driving to the EOC this morning, I crossed the bridge over the Mississippi River and looked down at a Marriott down below, and I wondered if I had a room down there if I would keep it secret to myself, or if I would tell other people and share it. That is, would I maintain a private little space, which is virtually non-existent here, or would I try to make it slightly better for two or three others. And if I had that room, who would I tell--who would I share it with?

This reminded me of the "If I win Powerball" dillemma. How much would I keep, how much would I share and with whom.

That's what it's come to after on Day 4. I now equate a hotel room (and all that it implies--a real bed, a television set, a door that closes, privacy, no mosquitoes, etc.) with winning $70 million in PowerBall.


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