Wednesday, September 14, 2005


I am truly amazed by this guy. He is managing a mind boggling juggling act. And, he has only lost his cool once or twice when people have started to "act crazy and pushy." Buddy is pressing the accelerator on this team, getting things moving. He is handling so many things, and I could never in ten million years imagine doing his job. And yesterday he had to pull someone from the field because I think they started to get a little nutsy from the stress, and I heard him talking to her in a soft and calm voice about how he was going to get her rested and back out into the field, and she started to get rather emotional about it, and he just handled her with kid gloves.

This morning, I was late because I overslept and then I went to the store and then I got stuck in a traffic jam and the phone rang and it was him, and I panicked and said, "Buddy I'm sorry I'm running late" (I thought he was going to yell at me) and he said, very nicely--"I'm just checking in to make sure you're ok." And I swear--how does he have the time to do this? He can't walk six inches without someone grabbing him for something.

Anyway, he has a very high capacity for handling stuff.



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