Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Things are looking up!

First, off, we have Dreamweaver software. Second, Brian won $40 in videopoker last night. Which will certainly help out in case he got shortchanged in any way in my grifters scheme to bring food and treats to the JIC.

Second, I washed my jammies last night and even though it was a production in itself that I don't have time to go into right now, I got it done.

I slept like a rock within a rock. In fact, I slept so hard that I didn't even wake up until 6:30 am, which is late, and when I opened my eyes and looked around, everyone was gone except for this one poor lady who looked like she was never going to wake up.

I got showered without dropping anything on the floor, and in fact I was able to let a new person know about not to put anything on the ground. This gal had put her entire backpack on the floor of the shower and I said--oh my god, don't do that! And another woman, a nurse, said "Consider this place to be a De-Con unit." And if that doesn't gross you out, I don't know what does. Anyway, it was nice to have a quasi-non disastrous shower experience this morning.

My shoes STINK. I have been wearing the same tennis shoes for days, and my feet are sweating. Did I mention it's 90 degrees outside? So, I absolutely need to get some new shoes and/or foot powder. My shoes smell so bad that when I took them off and put them under my "accessory cot" last night, I could smell them. I have never ever ever ever in my entire life had smelly feet.

I also stink--I forgot my underarm deordorant, and despite four trips to the store, I have not gotten any new deodorant. So, I stink, I have stunk, and I probably will continue to stink. I'm not sure anyone has noticed or cares. They all stink, too.

My job assignment today is SOLELY to update the phone list of the public affairs unit. We need to know where people are coming from, how long they are here for, what their various cell and land lines are, and when they are leaving. The list keeps expanding. This is not a glamorous task, but it's an important task, and it is my only task. I gave Buddy back the requisition and tracking stuff monkey.

ALERT ALERT ALERT--someone just asked me, "Did you see Letterman last night?" UM, HELLLLLLOOOOO--what planet are you from? We're staying on cots in tents and tents and tents under a bridge in the middle of nowhereville outside of town. There is no tv. There is no Lettman. There is no newespaper. There is no nothing. He must have just gotten here.


At 8:48 AM , Blogger NewsBlogger said...

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At 10:16 AM , Blogger stewdog said...

I see that your comment spammers are sexing it up. Could be the Hottbott name that I bestowed on you.
Maybe we can all take turns helping you with laundry. Just Fed Ex your dirties to us, we'll wash them and Fed Ex them right back. Save your unmentionables for the lady friends. I have delicate sensibilites.

At 10:21 AM , Blogger Sarah Bott said...

Haven't you read the part about how FedEx lost the Dreamweaver???? Even FedEx is not spared from this hurricane debaucle.


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